South Asia Language Study

Indices and tables

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Project Idea

Languages appear and die over time, and there’re many reasons for a language to disappear: Natural disaster causing the death of all speakers, invaded by another tribe, becoming unsuitable for new concepts, did not evolve over time, become obsolete and no one wants to speak it, being considered a low-level language(language for lower people) and avoided, etc.

I want to discover the specialties of each language(and dialects) that appeared in history, what aspect of life do they mainly focus on (have a large vocabulary in). We can also infer their daily life by looking at their vocabulary: if there’s a word for something, namely “pot”, then they must have invented pots at that time.

Instructor’s note

Your idea sounds great; be sure to use proper academic sources for all the information you use. When you have gathered all your research, I can create a wiki page for you where you can upload it, with images etc., if you have any.